The Weekly Check-Up Atlanta

A Little Can Go A Long Way

Unfortunately, at the end of a hectic day most of us are not likely to go and exercise for a whole hour or more.

The good news is that even if you can make time for light exercise, researchers say that it can make a significant difference in your health. The study reported in The Lancet that individuals who worked out even just 15 minutes a day had fewer deaths, and fewer cancer-related deaths.

It goes without saying that the longer and more frequently you work out the better. However, instead of approaching fitness as a one-size-fits all concept, you should understand that exercise is a good on even the smallest level. If you are akin to shorter workouts, you might not immediately see the benefits, but that doesn’t mean that they aren’t there.

If you find you are having trouble fitting exercise into your daily routine you can take steps, or 10,000 steps to be precise, to getting enough physical activity to stay healthy. Fitting in 10,000 steps per day seems to be an appropriate amount of activity to maintain cardiovascular health for most people. Buy a pedometer (available online for less than $5) to count how many steps you get in a day. Try taking the stairs instead of the elevator, walk to ask your coworker a question instead of picking up the phone and walk across the shopping center instead of driving across it.

Whether you feel up to marathon training, just playing Frisbee with your dog, or using the stairs – take at least a few minutes to take care of your body.

Be well,

Dr. Bruce Feinberg

* Source:
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